Hello to everyone who enjoys the lifestyles and adventures of the Chattanooga Ski Club, and to any one who is thinking of joining us in the future. Our members should be back from our last ski trip to Italy, and I am looking forward to hearing about the good times and seeing some good pictures. As mentioned at our March meeting, we have chosen the ski trips for next year, and we should have flyers and applications at our April 2 meeting. Be sure to come and get signed up. Not only will you learn about the ski trips; but also about the just-announced, eight-day Caribbean cruise, and more information about the November Caribbean dive trip. But, guess what, folks? There is also a lot going on this spring and summer, so come and hear about those events too.
I read a good article the other day about the effects the mega-season pass are having on ski resort towns. It’s a mostly a win/win for the skier. With daily lift tickets in excess of $200.00 at a lot of resorts, it’s trending for skiers to spend more days in resorts. This causes increased demand for lodging, which drives up the cost and availability of lodging. This is big reason our club, through our trusted vendors, have to make our plans earlier than in years past. By the way, our club will be offering the Ikon pass on next year’s trips.
Our April meeting is also a special one as our annual elections take place. My thanks go to all who are running this year. It’s a team effort from everyone to make our club successful. I am humbled to have been your President this past year. I strive to do my best for all members. Looking forward to seeing you at our April meeting.
Mike Hood